
Briseidy Villanueva Gonzalez  

De la descripción de la rutina diaria de Sarah, rescata y escribe cuatro afirmaciones con adverbio de frecuencia incluído.

  1. Sarah always makes coffee.
  2. Sarah usually travels by train.
  3. Sarah sometimes takes pictures during the train ride.
  4. Sarah sometimes watches television. 

De el diálogo de Sophie y Finn, usando adverbios de frecuencias, describe cinco actividades de sus rutinas diarias.

  1. Sophie usually wakes up around 7am.
  2. Sophie usually has lunch around one until two, every day.
  3. Sophie always takes the subway.
  4. Finn rarely cooks, sometimes he eats in a restaurant or with his friends.
  5. Finn usually goes to bed around midnight.

De la lección gramatical, transcribe un enunciado por cada adverbio de frecuencia explicado.

  1. I always brush my teeth in the morning.
  2. I usually eat cereal for breakfast.
  3. I often wear black shoes to work.
  4. I clean the kitchen frequently.
  5. I call my mother regularly.
  6. Sometimes I take the bus to go to work.
  7. From time to time I go to the gym
  8. I rarely call in sick.
  9. I almost never eat dinner after nine.
  10. I never eat peanuts because I have allergies.

De el diálogo de Misha y Larissa, transcribe la actividad receptiva intermedia; luego, las rutinas del juego dos verdades y una mentira.

In the morning, I usually wake up naturally. Sometimes, My husband or children Will wake me. I rarely set an alarm. When I wake up, I always check the time. Sometimes, I have extra time, so I sleep again for another half an hour, but sometimes I get up right away. When I get up, I always go to the bathroom first. Then, I greet my family. I always eat breakfast in the morning. Usually, I eat eggs, but sometimes I eat oatmeal or fruit.

I always make my bed. TRUTH 

I never do the dishes. LIE 

I rarely mop the floor. TRUTH

I usually eat something before I go to bed. TRUTH

I never skip breakfast. TRUTH 

I sometimes cook Japanese food. LIE

I often eat sweet foods. TRUTH 

I never eat spicy food. LIE

I rarely drink coffee. TRUTH

I usually go to bed before 11 p.m. TRUTH 

I often call my sisters overseas. LIE

I rarely eat in a restaurant. TRUTH

Como última actividad, con mínimo diez expresiones y máximo quince- describe tu rutina diaria personal usando todos los adverbios de frecuencia aprendidos de las anteriores presentaciones audiovisuales y de tu libro de lectoescritura.

  1. I always get up at 6 in the morning to go to university.
  2. I usually exercise before breakfast.
  3. I often choose oatmeal and fruit for breakfast because it's healthy.
  4. I frequently walk home if the weather permits.
  5. I have meetings regularly in the mornings.
  6. Sometimes I call my friends or family at night to catch up.
  7. From time to time I work from home.
  8. I rarely drink coffee in the afternoon to avoid sleep problems.
  9. We usually have lunch together with my friends at noon.
  10. I almost never watch television during the week.
  11. I never forget to meditate before going to sleep to relax.
  12. I usually have dinner around 8 p.m.
  13. Sometimes I go running in the afternoons.
  14. I usually go to bed before 11 at night.
  15. From time to time I allow myself a dessert after dinner.


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